i have the same issue on Chrome. On Edge it works.
I see the iframe with this weird style for the iframe from joomla-dialog-body
-> left: -10000px !important;
This cause the form to disapear.
Changing left to 0 in the developper tool makes it reappear.
the ifram from the joomla-dialog-body style is generated differently depending if i am on chrome or on Edge.
So it seems a template error. Your fix is not the solution.
This must be fixed asap!
I see the iframe with this weird style for the iframe from joomla-dialog-body
-> left: -10000px !important;
This cause the form to disapear.
Changing left to 0 in the developper tool makes it reappear.
the ifram from the joomla-dialog-body style is generated differently depending if i am on chrome or on Edge.
So it seems a template error. Your fix is not the solution.
This must be fixed asap!
Statistics: Posted by robilau — Thu Nov 14, 2024 1:32 pm